Tips To Secure Your VPS Server In 2024

VPS servers employ virtualisation to offer their users an isolated server environment. This isolation allows for better website performance and security, which significantly reduces security threats for server tenants. 

The best Australian domain hosting providers often offer built-in security options like SSL encryption, DDoS protection, pre-configured firewalls, etc. This ensures your website remains safe and performs optimally at all times. 

So, if you are looking for VPS hosting in Australia and need tips to secure your VPS server in 2024, keep reading.

Common Issues That Affect VPS Server Security 

  1. Malware: Harmful software like viruses, trojans, spyware, and ransomware – that can cause significant harm to operating systems. .
  2. Sniffing Attack: Hackers use packet sniffers (a tool that analyses network traffic) to attack the vulnerabilities in the network and capture sensitive information.
  3. Brute Force Attack: The hacker uses a trial and error formula on your credentials to break into your system.
  4. SQL Injection: The hacker breaks into your website code to get access to your web server.
  5. Cross-Site Scripting: Here, the hacker employs a client-side attack where they inject malicious code into your website.
  6. Broken Authentication: The attacker steals your identity via unencrypted data or a vulnerability like a weak password.

Best Tips to Improve VPS Security in 2024

1. Keep Your Server-Updated

Regularly updating server software ensures that any vulnerabilities in older versions of applications and other software get addressed and fixed. Further, you can carry out patch management for all applications and software on your server. Enable auto updates and perform manual checks wherever necessary. You need to take an aggressive security approach to ensure robust security.

2. Make Changes In Default Settings of SSH

VPS users use SSH to connect to their servers remotely. Hackers are aware of this, and they may use brute force attacks to log in to your SSH. Therefore, it’s recommended to change your default SSH 22 port password to a customised one. 

3. Keep Check of VPS Server Logs

Monitor your VPS server log to better control your VPS security. Keep close track of your daily traffic level, user activity, resource usage and software errors. That will prepare you for any issue that may come.

4. Improve Your Network Security

Use virtual private networks (VPN) to secure your network to minimise security vulnerabilities and prevent unauthorised access. Ensure no unnecessary ports are left open. 

Further, remove any unused services and monitor your network traffic for unusual patterns. Consider installing intrusion detection systems for better VPS security.

5. Access Control

Another useful tip is to set access controls, which means limiting access to resources based on user roles. For instance, if multiple users have access to your server, you can limit the extent of their access based on their job roles or the operations they need to perform. 

To enhance VPS server security, you can also build an access management strategy and input multi-factor authentication at different levels.


A proactive approach is necessary to ensure a secure VPS hosting environment. So, always choose a VPS hosting provider that prioritises server security for a safer hosting environment. You can also consider going for managed VPS hosting and outsourcing server security and management.

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