Tips To Test VPS Server Security

The realm of web domain and hosting seems bleak when it comes to cybersecurity issues and concerns. Almost every website is vulnerable if the virus or attack is strong. In order to keep your websites safe, you need to keep your servers safe.

Especially when you house your website on virtual private servers, i.e., buy VPS hosting, you need to maintain an optimal level of security. A VPS server offers flexibility and control but also requires robust and highly protective layers of security to protect sensitive data and fend off potential threats.

In this blog, we will explore how to test your VPS security. Before that, let us understand some non-negotiable security requirements for your server’s safety.

Optimal Security Measures

● Firewall Configuration

A firewall is software that stands tall between your VPS server and the rest of the Internet. It regulates and manages incoming traffic, minimising the risk of unauthorised access. It is paramount to install and configure firewalls to allow traffic on necessary ports and block others.

●Security Information and Event Management

The inclusion of a security information and event management (SIM) system in your VPS server’s security measures will help analyse, collect and report your server’s log data. With the help of recorded data, it analyses and reports the server of any potential breaches and suspicious activities at the entry level.

● Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System (IDS/IPS)

IDS and IPS are critical security tools that identify and respond to potential threats like unauthorised access or intrusion. It monitors the incoming traffic and scans for any malicious activities and security policy violations. It can detect, report and prevent these activities on your VPS server.

Tips to Test VPS Security

● Setup Strong Server

Setting up a strong server is like laying out a firm base for the best VPS security infrastructure. Whether you’re installing software, creating user accounts, setting up control panel settings or fortifying configuration, you need to do it in maximum compliance with market standards and security.

● Basic Security Setup

Apart from the essential security features like IDS and SIM, you need a big army of small security practices fighting for you at the base level. It starts with data backup protocol, regular software updation, incorporating monitoring and reporting tools, strong password policies, deleting unnecessary software, antivirus software, antimalware tools and more.

● Conduct Penetration Tests

Three important tests, the black box test, the white box test, and the grey box test, help you test VPS security.

  1. In the black box test, you try to create a threatening situation for your server to check its resilience to potential threats and breaches.
  2. In the white box test, you carry out an in-depth assessment of the security measures employed in your VPS server while having complete knowledge of its infrastructure.
  3. In the grey box test, you combine the two tests, create a real attack-like situation, and try to fight it with limited knowledge of the internal VPS security

● Control Vulnerabilities

Controlling the potential security vulnerabilities of your VPS security system is essential to maintaining it. Constructing and implementing an all-inclusive management system will help you counter these threats.

● Secure Web Applications

Analysing your web application’s security will also denote your VPS security system. You need to integrate a web application firewall, implement regular audits and execute secure practices.


You need to apply a multi-faceted approach and combine various security measures to attain optimal security with your VPS server. By following these abovementioned tips, you can test your VPS security and act accordingly.

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